Today, Wi-Fi is available on all tablets. However, cellular models allow you to connect to the internet through 4G or 5G mobile internet. It enables you to surf the web and read your emails while out through a mobile network. As a result, a cellular tablet is the perfect portable entertainment gadget. But do you really need one?

We’ll help you decide whether or not a cellular Android tablet is a good investment for you.

What exactly is a cellular tablet?

Whether you’re at home or near a public Wi-Fi hotspot, all you need is a wireless internet connection for your tablet to get online.

Android tablets with cellular data connections feature a built-in SIM card, similar to a smartphone, and can thus connect to the internet anywhere network coverage exists. You’ll be able to access the internet whenever you choose, rather than when public Wi-Fi is available.

You won’t be without a way to communicate thanks to a cellular android tablet featuring SMS and instant messaging applications, email, social networking, and video-calling apps.

When you’re not in range of a wireless connection, 4G/5G connectivity in Canada comes in very handy. However, it increases the price of the tablet — both at the point of purchase and in terms of data charges. Is it possible to justify the extra cost over a Wi-Fi-only device?


Tablets: 4G vs. Wi-Fi

A tablet is a much preferable alternative to a smartphone for entertainment and working on the go. That’s because it is portable and has a larger screen on which you can stream TV shows and movies, play games, surf the web and get things done.

A tablet can also be more convenient than a laptop, which requires Wi-Fi or is attached to your phone and may not have enough battery life to get you through the day.

However, you require internet access to stream and download entertainment, work on documents in the cloud, and communicate with family and clients. A tablet is ineffective without access to the internet.

You’re not always at home or near a public Wi-Fi hotspot. Even if you are, most Wi-Fi hotspots are slow and unreliable. Furthermore, a lack of network security may expose your personal accounts and data to hacking or identity theft.

When we’re outside, many of us prefer to use our cellphones’ mobile data connections rather than a tablet. But when you connect your tablet with a mobile internet connection, you have near-constant, safe web access on a huge screen in places you didn’t believe were feasible.


Is the cost of cellular tablets justified?

If cost-cutting is your first priority, a cellular tablet will never be less expensive than a Wi-Fi-only device. However, an android tablet with cellular connectivity does not have to be as pricey as you may imagine for those who would benefit from its cellular connectivity. It could also help you save money on your smartphone plan by limiting your data allowance.

So, if you don’t mind splashing extra bucks on a device, investing in a cellular tablet is a good choice.